Advisor. An adult who advises and mentors us in programming, logistics, administrative work and leadership skills. Our OATY Advisor is the amazing Nancy Nelson.
B’rit Kehilah. NFTY’s Code of Conduct. You signed this before coming to an event; it details the rules and regulations for a NFTY event. Basically, you promised not to do drugs, drink, engage in inappropriate sexual conduct, and to be a respectful.
Friendship Circle. The last thing MARites do at an event is gather in a massive circle. We sing, there are speeches and gifts given from co-chairs, the MAR president, the MAR advisor, as well as many tears and hugs.
Kallah. Fun weekends when NFTYites from all different TYGs in a particular region come together to meet other NFTYites, pray and learn. NFTY-MAR has six kallot: JELLO, Fall Kallah, Winter Kallah, MAJYK, The Vent, and Spring Kallah.
Kallah Chairs. Most commonly they are known as co-chairs, but can also be tri-chairs, quad-chairs, etc. For MAJYK, they are called the MAJYKians. These dedicated NFTYites spend time and effort planning NFTY events. They are loved immensely because of all the hard work they put in to making our events.
Head Cheerleaders. Two female MARites who are in charge of our region’s ruach!
Head Waiters. Two male MARites who are in charge of delegating the responsibility of being a waiter at camp events. The honor of being Head Waiter is passed down when a senior graduates. This ceremony takes place at Winter Kallah.
JELLO. The Jewish Educational Leadership and Learning – Oh! event. This is a NFTY-MAR regional event, the first of the year, that is geared toward all types of leadership development. It is intended for all NFTY-MAR participants, regardless of age or leadership experience.
MAJYK. The Mid-Atlantic Junior Youth Kallah. This event is open only to middle school students, and is a super fun weekend where you get to know all about NFTY.
MARite(s). A member of NFTY-MAR.
Moishe Moose. The NFTY-MAR mascot.
mSAC. An mSAC is a “membership Subregional Assistant Committee.” These are four people, one for each subregion, that are designated to help the four regional MVPs reach out to new members, build subregional pride and spirit, and win TheVent!
Programs. Informal programs (as opposed to formal education in the classroom) take place at all Kallot. Programs can be about any topic from Purim to AIDS to the Middle East Peace process. Programs can also be social like a dance or a talent show.
Regional Board. The Regional Board of MAR is made up of 9 amazing, hard-working MARites. They are elected each year at Spring Kallah and are essential in making MAR what it is. They write and run programs and services, and represent NFTY-MAR at North American meetings. The Regional Board positions are: President, Programming Vice President (PVP), Social Action Vice President (SAVP), Religious and Cultural Vice President (RCVP), Communications Vice President (CVP), Northern Membership Vice President (NMVP), Eastern Membership Vice President (EMVP), Western Membership Vice President (WMVP), and Southern Membership Vice President (SMVP).
Senior Circle. At Spring Kallah every year, senior circle allows the graduating seniors to talk about their time with NFTY, as well as pass down important items from their NFTY experience.
Song Session. We sing Jewish music (also known as Jewsic), clap, stomp, dance, and make lots and lots of noise. This is where we show our ruach most!
Subregions. NFTY-MAR is divided into four sub-regions, the North, East, West, and South (the best one). Every year at The Vent, the four sub-regions compete in color wars, led by the sub-regional membership vice presidents. Each subregion has a color; North is blue, East is red, West is green, and South is red.
TYG. Temple Youth Group
TYG Board. The members of the TYG that usually plan and run youth group events for individual youth groups.
URJ. Union for Reform Judaism, the parent body of NFTY. The URJ encompasses all of NFTY plus lots of college students, adults, rabbis, cantors, temple board members and well…basically any reform Jew in America. They also manage camps like Kutz. They provide adult, rabbinical and financial support to NFTY.