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Baby Naming


Do you have a new baby or a child who hasn’t yet been given a Hebrew name?

Jewish babies are traditionally given Hebrew names shortly after they are born.  A brief naming ceremony typically includes friends and family members getting together to welcome the new baby during a ceremony with a special name announcement, blessings for the well-being of both baby and parents, and a chance for parents to share the meaning of the Hebrew and English names they have chosen for their baby. The naming ceremony is traditionally done as part of the Brit Milah (or Bris) ceremony for boys who are eight days old, or within the first few months of life for girls. But it is possible to have a naming ceremony for a child of any age. Please contact Rabbi Ahuva if you are interested in having a naming ceremony for your child.


If you are trying to find a Hebrew name that starts with a particular letter, this website is a great resource. Any name with a picture of a book representing the Jewish Bible or a picture of the Israeli flag next to it is a commonly recognized Hebrew name. In terms of other logistics, the naming ceremony can be performed at the synagogue or at your family home; and it is customary to give a $180 donation to the rabbi’s discretionary fund in honor of your child’s naming.