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Contact Us

We have several ways to be in touch about matters relating to the synagogue. Please click the one that best suits your needs:

  1. For questions about the Religious School, pastoral care, or life cycle events (including conversion to Judaism), please message Rabbi Ahuva Zaches.
  2. If interested in synagogue membership, please email
  3. For general information on upcoming events, please sign up to recieve our weekly email. If you do not see the weekly events email in your inbox or would like to be added to the additional Shabbat links email list, please email
  4. If you have names you want added to the Kaddish or Mi Shebeirach lists or want to confirm that you have completed your registration for an upcoming event, please email Maria in the Or Ami office at or call (804) 272-0017. You can also send miscellaneous requests (including for facility rentals) to Maria, and she will forward them to the appropriate person.
  5. If you would like to advertise a community event in our weekly email, please fill out this form.
  6. If you would like to message the leader of various social groups (the Book Club, Crafter’s Group, Beer Ami, etc), you can find many of their email addresses on the committees and teams page.
  7. Lastly, if you would like to provide feedback on our website, you can message us through our Or Ami Facebook page with any questions or suggestions for improvement.

Thank you!