Everyone whose spirit moved him came bringing offerings for the work of the Tent of Meeting. (Exodus 35:21)
Or Ami’s membership dues cover only the minimum annual expenses, not the full costs of running a synagogue. Additional contributions are always needed to help keep our activities going. Making a contribution to Or Ami is a wonderful way to honor a loved one’s memory or acknowledge a special occasion.
To discuss a gift, contact the Or Ami office at (804) 272-0017 or office@or-ami.com or make an online donation now.
Fund Descriptions
- General Fund. To help meet ongoing expenses for general operation of synagogue
Building Maintenance and Improvements
- Building Fund. To defray cost of major capital improvements
- Refurbishment Fund. To implement improvements to the building and grounds not covered by budget; to honor the memory of Herold Hofheimer
- Emergency Fund. To defray the cost of unplanned emergency repairs
- Religious School Scholarship Fund. To provide, to families in need, partial or full scholarships for Religious School tuition; to honor the memories of Clara and David Sack and Margarete Hirsch
- Religious School Fund. To enrich programs/activities or other needs related to the Religious School; includes Suzi Burnside Arts & Crafts Fund
- Torah Fund. To purchase or repair Judaic objects to enhance services and festivals
- Music Fund. To acquire music and audio-related equipment to enhance services and special events
- High Holy Days contribution. To enrich or defray cost of these special services
Social Action
- Social Action Fund. To enable congregants to engage in projects to help the community through service and advocacy
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. To enhance the mission of the congregation as determined by the Rabbi
Hineini (Caring) Fund. To support congregants through life’s challenges (illness, death of loved one, etc.) and celebrate their uplifting events
Youth Engagement
- OATY Scholarship Fund. To support OATY (Or Ami Temple Youth) members to attend and participate in local, regional, and/or national events; to honor the memory of Suzi Burnside