RISC (Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities)
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love loving mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” ~Micah 6:8
RISC seeks to build a powerful community of racially, religiously, and socio-economically diverse congregations who address the root causes of injustice in the Greater Richmond region. We believe a community that holds its leaders accountable for the decisions that they make and fights to see justice done is one where meaningful change can occur.
Or Ami has been an active RISC congregation for over a decade. Or Ami members serve on RISC research committees throughout the year, helping to break large societal problems into digestible pieces, so that we can come to government officials with proven solutions ready for implementation. With partners from other congregations and faiths, we are working to address the following issues:
- affordable housing
- education inequality
- gun violence
- job training, and
- mental health care.
Click here for a list of upcoming RISC events that you can attend.