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Passover Community Seder


Join us

in person or through our live stream

for our annual

Or Ami Community Potluck Seder

First Night of Passover

Saturday, April 12, 2025 5:30 pm

@ Congregation Or Ami

Celebrate freedom with family & friends

 All are welcome – No affiliation required

Seder starts promptly at 5:30 pm


To register, please do one of the following:

(Reservations Required by March 28)

Ticket prices*:

  • Adults (everyone aged 13 or older): $20/person
  • Members’ children under age 13: Free

*The ticket price helps Or Ami to provide a main dish of brisket, chicken or salmon, as well as a vegetarian option in addition to the matzah ball soup, wine, grape juice, seder plate items, paper goods, handouts, and other supplies needed for the seder. It does not cover the side dishes that we need to complete the meal.  We still need your help in supplying enough side dishes to feed all 80 people who attend.

Please bring a kosher for Passover side dish, salad, or dessert to share.


Seder led by Rabbi Ahuva Zaches


Virtual Seder

During the pandemic, we offered a Zoom Seder on the second night of Passover. You can view a recording of the 2022 Seder here or a recording of the 2021 Zoom Seder here. If you would prefer a brief Virtual Seder, here is one that Rabbi Ahuva created in 2020.

Seder Supplies

If you would like to put together your own Seder, click here for a list of the items that you will need.