Jewish Meditation is beginning again


The principal of Teshuvah (return; the chance to begin again) is the essence of the High Holiday season… and also of mindfulness meditation practice. Are you curious about contemplative practices in the vocabulary of Judaism? These practices can help us slow down and become attuned to ourselves and that which is greater than ourselves. Meditation can foster concentration, awareness, wisdom, compassion, and deepen our spiritual practice.


You are invited to an Introduction to Jewish Meditation on Thursday, September 18, from 7 – 8:15 pm in the Sanctuary. No prior meditation experience (Jewish or otherwise) is necessary and all adult members of Or Ami are welcome. In addition to basic instruction, a meditation in preparation for the High Holidays will be offered. It would be helpful to know how many chairs to set up, so please contact Lisa Halberstadt at if you plan to attend (or have questions).


Regular Jewish meditation meetings will resume in October after the High Holidays. Unlike in the past, this will be a drop-in program — no prior commitment necessary, just come when you can. The schedule has not yet been set so look for more information to come in the October bulletin.